Subject: Wearing Glasses While Looking At LED Grow Lights
Author: frgrowpackage
Posted on: 01/06/2022 08:39:54 AM
You need glasses that are made for the exact spectrum of your lights. General Samsung LED grow lights glasses will work for most of the lights that have a mix of primarily red and blue diodes. But they will not be perfect. As all of those lights have a slightly different spectrum.
ECO Farm 480W/640W/800W/1000W Dimmable Samsung 301H Grow Light+UV+ IR

This fixture provides you with total control over everything. With onboard dimming function, growers can set the ideal intensity at any stage of plant growth for optimal photosynthesis activation.
PPF & Par Efficacy
The ECO Farm Samsung LED grow light produces a PPF output of 1514.7μmol/s and a PAR efficacy of 2.8 umol/J making this fixture incredibly efficient compared to other commercial fixures.
ECO Farm FLD Series 200W/320W Full Spectrum Foldable commerical LED grow light strips

1. Structure optimization and material upgrade make it more lightweight and easy to install and use.
2. Flexible dimmable grow light & full spectrum: - The intensity of light can be adjusted according to the needs of plants. Light chips were consist of 3000K+5000K+660nm+730nm, provide full-spectrum results.
If you need the Samsung 301B LED grow light, welcome to visit our official website: