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  Rsgoldfast - You might have followed us this far
Subject: Rsgoldfast - You might have followed us this far
Author: wfuuopy
Posted on: 04/13/2021 07:57:22 AM

The biggest problem I see is the staking of RuneScape gold items. A participant buying a blue phat from an illegal RWTing sight may face some trouble getting their trader in a duel, but a player who requests a bet of a grim phat, adamant warhammer, and red bead may not. This combination would be so random and improbable that there could be little to no chance of the participant not getting the RWTer he's purchasing from in a duel.

The best method to prevent this would be to simply allow certain things to be staked, or not to allow stakes of multiple products. Money could be staked, and common items like whips, phats, ans h'ween masks (items traditionally staked), however the sum would be pre-set (gamers could not stake odd amounts like 4,397,031gp) and uncommonly staked things such as colored beads could not be contained in the same bet as big amounts of cash or rare/expensive products.

Another difficulty I see with your thought is that several players wouldn't enjoy the probability of it. Because you wouldn't be able to find out exactly what armor your player was wearing, if they were determined or maging, or even their precise level (your thought outlines a set of near levels, but maybe not an exact level) players might be afraid to stake large quantities, because the level of your opponent says very little about these.

You might have followed us this far, but your path ends here! Among the vampires, however, will throw blood rush onto you, but won't heal himself, but rather the vampire with the most damage taken. Slay each of the vampires. There will be a brief cutscene.

It appears like this ones energy was drained! Azzanadra will then appear. Indeed it has, *Your title. * All these wretched Zamorakian's search for my master's power, but this has to stop! Come back to my pyramid with all haste, so that I may teach you how to sanctify the shrines once more. (Sense endings ) Now continue on the last shrine, the Shrine of Rage. Shrine of Rage. After you finish reading the Shrine of Rage scroll, then you'll find this message:'I think I must go to Lassar, and buy OSRS gold then travel west out there.'



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