Subject: nike air force one goedkoop and be of ser
Author: vikingsstore
Posted on: 07/02/2015 03:24:09 AM
to us) are Mars nike air force 1 nederland , Jupiter, and Saturn. These are the planetsdescribing the outer world and cir[censored] stances surroundingthe child, the status, well-being and conditions she isborn into and what urges her on to greater achievements asshe grows. Mars will tune you in to what motivates yourchild and the way she approaches life. Jupiter shows us howshe is most apt to channel that energy, and Saturn decreeswhat sort of obstacles will confront her on the road tosuccess. Again: Saturn tells us about the territory we willbe going through, Jupiter the way or path through it, andMars what kind of push or drive we can count on to keepgoing.Mars: Action Through Desire; Drive, Motivation, and AngerMars is the planet of emotion and drive. When we searchfor the meaning of something, it is Mars that urges us on,keeps us searching. Mars will tell us what motivates ourchild nike air force one aanbieding , what captures her interest. By studying the aspectsformed between Mars and other planets we discern if ourchild expresses desire in a healthy and direct manner orwhether she feels blocked (squares) by inner or outerconditions. We also learn how our child expresses anger,whether in strong bursts (Mars in Fire Signs), bottled upand tears (Mars in Water Signs) or with cutting words (Airsigns). With greater understanding we can help our childdeal with her feelings in a constructive way. Mars tells usabout our child's interest and aptitude (or lack of it),for physical exercises, sports, recreation. Mars drives usagainst things, too, and sends us into war and combat. Marsimparts courage and stamina. The house position of Mars inthe child's chart will tell us in what area of life she islikely to enter the greatest degree of active conflict oractivity: In the 11th, with friends, in the 3rd, perhapswith sisters and brothers nike air force one goedkoop , or in competitive learning atschool.Virgo is an Earth sign on the thinking cross. Itssymbol is The Virgin. Mars in Virgo children are motivatedto help and be of service. They need child-sized tools andreal jobs to get to work. Work well done merits praise andrecognition. Your child must develop a sense of the worthof her work, and her own worthiness lest she offer herservices indiscriminately. Otherwise, friends could takeadvantage of her by playing upon her need to serve others.Your child likely has an innate urge to save, salvage andconserve, and can make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Shecan't bear waste and is very thorough and precise. Yourchild is apt to be a perfectionist, but watch out!Discrimination is fine, but criticism and pettiness wouldlose her many a friend if not pointed out and corrected! Asan adult, an over-fastidious and demanding attitudetypically leads to contention