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  What's going on?
Subject: What's going on?
Author: Linux
In response to: Rails Probject I -- Hello World
Posted on: 09/10/2017 09:35:13 PM

Without your touch, your default empty web application is ready to go online.

First start the server, which is a built-in Puma.

-- administrator@ubuntu:~/hello_world$ rails server
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.1.4 application starting in development 
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.10.0 (ruby 2.4.0-p0), codename: Russell's Teapot
* Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop

Secondly, on your browser, type:

Yay! You’re on Rails!

Rails version: 5.1.4
Ruby version: 2.4.0 (x86_64-linux) 

It is online! But where is the "Welcome aboard" index page coming from? What's going on here?

First take a look at the routing table: "/config/routes.rb"

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # For details on the DSL available within this file, see http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html

It's empty and the deafult should be kicked in. Take a look at the traffic log
Started GET "/" for at 2017-09-10 14:17:31 -0700
Processing by Rails::WelcomeController#index as HTML
  Rendering /home/administrator/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/railties-5.1.4/lib/
  Rendered /home/administrator/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/railties-5.1.4/lib/
rails/templates/rails/welcome/index.html.erb (4.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 198ms (Views: 10.0ms)

As the log indicates, the "Welcome aboard" page is coming from "lib/rails/templates/rails/welcome/index.html.erb"


> On 09/10/2017 08:16:45 PM Linux wrote:

Step 1 Create a new Rails project

Rails comes with a number of scripts called generators that are designed to make your development life easier by creating everything that's necessary to start working on a particular task. One of these is the new application generator, which will provide you with the foundation of a fresh Rails application so that you don't have to write it yourself.

-- administrator@ubuntu:~$ rails new hello_world
      create  README.md
      create  Rakefile
      create  config.ru
      create  .gitignore
      create  Gemfile
         run  git init from "."
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/administrator/hello_world/.git/
      create  app
      create  app/assets/config/manifest.js
      create  app/assets/javascripts/application.js
      create  app/assets/javascripts/cable.js
      create  app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
      create  app/channels/application_cable/channel.rb
      create  app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb
      create  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
      create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb
      create  app/jobs/application_job.rb
      create  app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
      create  app/models/application_record.rb
      create  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.html.erb
      create  app/views/layouts/mailer.text.erb
      create  app/assets/images/.keep
      create  app/assets/javascripts/channels
      create  app/assets/javascripts/channels/.keep
      create  app/controllers/concerns/.keep
      create  app/models/concerns/.keep
      create  bin
      create  bin/bundle
      create  bin/rails
      create  bin/rake
      create  bin/setup
      create  bin/update
      create  bin/yarn
      create  config
      create  config/routes.rb
      create  config/application.rb
      create  config/environment.rb
      create  config/secrets.yml
      create  config/cable.yml
      create  config/puma.rb
      create  config/spring.rb
      create  config/environments
      create  config/environments/development.rb
      create  config/environments/production.rb
      create  config/environments/test.rb
      create  config/initializers
      create  config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb
      create  config/initializers/assets.rb
      create  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
      create  config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
      create  config/initializers/cors.rb
      create  config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
      create  config/initializers/inflections.rb
      create  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
      create  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_5_1.rb
      create  config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
      create  config/locales
      create  config/locales/en.yml
      create  config/boot.rb
      create  config/database.yml
      create  db
      create  db/seeds.rb
      create  lib
      create  lib/tasks
      create  lib/tasks/.keep
      create  lib/assets
      create  lib/assets/.keep
      create  log
      create  log/.keep
      create  public
      create  public/404.html
      create  public/422.html
      create  public/500.html
      create  public/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
      create  public/apple-touch-icon.png
      create  public/favicon.ico
      create  public/robots.txt
      create  test/fixtures
      create  test/fixtures/.keep
      create  test/fixtures/files
      create  test/fixtures/files/.keep
      create  test/controllers
      create  test/controllers/.keep
      create  test/mailers
      create  test/mailers/.keep
      create  test/models
      create  test/models/.keep
      create  test/helpers
      create  test/helpers/.keep
      create  test/integration
      create  test/integration/.keep
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  test/system
      create  test/system/.keep
      create  test/application_system_test_case.rb
      create  tmp
      create  tmp/.keep
      create  tmp/cache
      create  tmp/cache/assets
      create  vendor
      create  vendor/.keep
      create  package.json
      remove  config/initializers/cors.rb
      remove  config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_5_1.rb
         run  bundle install

This will create a Rails application called hello_world in a hello_world directory with all necessary folders and files generated.

Among them, the most important ones are:
  • config -- the directory with configuration files, e.g. routes.rb
  • app/controllers-- the directory holding controllers
  • app/models-- the directory holding models
  • app/views-- the directory holding views



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