Subject: Google Maps API Tutorial -- Controls
Author: WebSpider
Posted on: 06/22/2009 06:39:57 PM
Controls are elements on the map view for allowing user interaction through the map. The Maps API comes with a handful of built-in controls you can use in your maps:
GLargeMapControl3D - a large pan/zoom control as now used on Google Maps.
GLargeMapControl - a simpler large pan/zoom control.
GSmallMapControl - a smaller pan/zoom control.
GSmallZoomControl3D - a small zoom control (with no panning controls) as now used on Google Maps.
GSmallZoomControl - a small zoom control (no panning controls) used in the small map blowup windows used to display driving directions steps on Google Maps.
GScaleControl - a map scale
GMapTypeControl - buttons that let the user toggle between map types (such as Map and Satellite)
GHierarchicalMapTypeControl - a selection of nested buttons and menu items for placing many map type selectors.
GOverviewMapControl - a collapsible overview map in the corner of the screen
GNavLabelControl - a dynamic label indicating the "address" of the current viewport, appropriate to zoom level.